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Starter project

The quickest way to start an Amagaki project with enough foundational bells and whistles is to use create-amagaki which simply clones and installs the official Amagaki starter project.

This guide assumes you have Node and Git installed. Amagaki is a command line program, so you’ll invoke these commands from your terminal.

npx create-amagaki
npm run dev

To see how the starter works, you can browse it on GitHub.

Browse amagaki-starter on GitHublaunch

What’s included in the quick start project?

  • Sample pages
    • Homepage
    • Sub-page
  • Foundational development tools
    • Nunjucks templates
      • Base template
      • Reusable partial modules
    • Sass (with code splitting on a per-partial basis)
    • TypeScript (with code splitting on a per-partial basis)
    • Live reloading using BrowserSync
  • Lighthouse scores

The quick start project demonstrates how to assemble a preliminary Amagaki website. You can customize the look and feel and adjust the styles to meet your project’s needs.

The quick start project can be built into static HTML, CSS, and JavaScript using:

npm run build

Other starter projects

The official starter project follows our presumptions and recommendations, and shows how to make use of the partial loop, which is a powerful way to build maintainable marketing websites. If you want to add your own starter project, add it below.


Add your starteradd

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